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Romance is a reckless adventure of emotion that flies in the face of practical reality and sound rationality.

— Karmayogi

Pride and Prejudice

Pride & Prejudice is a deeply insightful, wonderfully delightful exploration of the varied social and psychological relationships between man and woman. Proud, passionate Darcy falls in love against his own better judgment with an intelligent, highly individualistic woman who intensely dislikes him. Beautiful naïve Jane longs for marriage to a silly, affectionate man of considerable wealth. A handsome, charming rogue hunts for a wealthy wife, but succumbs to the lure of promiscuous teenager. The ambitious, pompous and extremely foolish Collins wins an intelligent, reliable wife in need of material and social security. A prosperous, cultivated gentleman marries a beautiful, brainless, highly energetic lawyer’s daughter and gives birth to a remarkable spectrum of offspring with untold consequences. Beauty, charm, character, goodness, pride, arrogance, jealousy, falsehood and unscrupulousness combine in passionate attractions, bitter conflict, prolonged tension, intense reaction, disappointment, disillusionment, love, marriage and romantic fulfillment.


Plot Summary

Bingley is violently in love with Jane and the entire town expects them to marry shortly, until he inexplicably goes away. Jane's sister Elizabeth hates Bingley's friend Darcy for separating the lovers. Darcy harbors a secret passion for Elizabeth and shocks her by suddenly proposing marriage. Sensible and shrewd Charlotte courts and marries the foolish and pompous Collins. Pride and Prejudice explores relationships that blossom between people of different backgrounds and personalities. Read a detailed plot summary.


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Order the Movie or the Book

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Directed by Simon Langton
Written by Jane Austen
Adapted by Andrew Davies
Starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth
Copyright belongs to BBC



External Links

  • LifeinLiterature.org contains in-depth analysis of the plot, characters, relationships and society, and line-by-line commentary of Pride and Prejudice as well as other great works of literature. The site provides original insights into the characters, events, and life.
  • The Human Science Wiki explores the character of life, social evolution and spiritual truths in Pride and Prejudice.
  • BBC Drama features episode guides, photo gallery and behind the scenes information about the 6-episode mini series.
  • The Internet Movie Database, IMDb  has information related to the movie and its actors.
  • Wikipedia provides the plot summary, background, publication history and extensive links to sites on Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen and the various adaptations of the story.
  • The Republic of Pemberley  is an online community dedicated to the appreciation of the work of Jane Austen. The site contains chat rooms and bulletin boards, and reproduces Austen's novels in their entirety, annotated with hyperlinks and augmented by discussion boards.
  • Project Gutenberg lets you read Pride and Prejudice online or download the book in plain text, HTML, PDF or other formats.


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