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Eternal Romance
Stairway to Romance
Scale of Romance
Ten Levels of Romance
1. Attachment
2. Physical Attraction
3. Compatibility
4. Vital Attraction
5. Affection
6. Admiration
7. Mental Love
8. Devotion
9. Adoration
10. Spiritual Romance
Scale of Harmony
Ten Levels of Harmony
1. Opposition
2. Conflict
3. Domination
4. Reaction
5. Judgment
6. Compromise
7. Tolerance
8. Appreciation
9. Freedom
10. Complementarity
Myths & Truths
Romance Strategies
Harmony Strategies
Love that Lasts
Relationship Rules
Class, Caste & Culture
Marriage vs. Romance
Conflict to Romance
Romance & Sex
Marriage to Romance
What is IRES?
Instructions for IRES
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Conflict & Tension
Emotional Compatibility
Love & Affection
Harmony & Happiness
Social & Cultural
Personality or Habits
Sharing Responsibilities
Engagement & Wedding
Broken Relationships
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Romance in Movies
Romance in Literature
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Random Quote
Romance is the soul’s love for God in all souls.
— Karmayogi
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